Mesotherapycomes from the Greek words “mesos” meaning “middle” and “therapy” meaning “to treat medically”. This treatment has been around for a while now but is gaining in popularity as a method of weight loss and weight control. It is a treatment which requires multiple injections of various chemicals, plant extracts and vitamins which are compiled together by your doctor, according to your needs.

These injections are put directly into the subcutaneous fat in your body to induce lipolysis and cause rupture and cell death of the fat cells. These fat deposits are then flushed out of the body so that they do not accumulate elsewhere, something which can happen with liposuction. Mesotherapy requires no hospitalization, anaesthetic or downtime, making it one of the more popular slimmingtreatments which are available.

Some of the things which this treatment is used for are acne and acne scarring, stretch marks, other scars, promote weight loss, eliminate cellulite and rejuvenate aging skin on the hands and neck. The resulting skin is smoother and plumper, leading to a more youthful appearance. Many people report seeing results after only one treatment, but generally, results are apparent after three or four treatments, depending on the problem being treated. There are also factors such as age, general health, and skin types which can affect the results.

Many people can undergo these treatments with no anaesthetic but for others, there is the option of a topical anaesthetic cream which is applied about a three quarters of an hour prior to the start of treatment. After you have decided to go ahead with the treatments, the doctor will give you an allergy test of two injections and you will have to wait for twenty four hours to see if there is any adverse reaction. If all is well then the treatments can begin the next day.

Most treatments are done on a weekly basis and if you miss one week of treatments, then that is fine. The only thing that you may have after the treatments is a little bruising, which will soon fade away. During the treatments you may experience a slight burning sensation which is only a little uncomfortable. You are advised to avoid wearing make up and using toiletries for a few hours, as well as showering.

Another thing that you may be advised of is to have a protein rich diet for a while and avoid caffeine. Mesotherapy is a safe and effective treatment, but even so, you need to make sure that you go to a fully qualified mesotherapist and that the injections are administered under the eye of a doctor. There are other slimming treatments and body contouring procedures available, but these treatments have the advantage of being affordable and not needing too much time taken out of your busy life. The results do last but then the natural aging process will occur and you will need to have top up treatments to maintain the skin.